Whether it’s a friend, loved one, or acquaintance, moving in together presents a special set of challenges. Sometimes common issues are ones you don’t even think about until trouble arises. Here are Wildcat Movers’ five favorite tips for combining spaces.

1. Compare Lists
Writing down what you have helps you to compare notes and consolidate any duplicate items. That way, you can plan instead of ending up with three couches in the living room.
2. Don’t Split Large Purchases
Here in Plano Texas, football is a big deal. So we understand it when you’ve got your eye on that big screen you can’t quite afford. If
you’re thinking about pooling money together with a roommate, you may want to reconsider. It can create a rift in your relationship when you
have to decide who keeps it when someone moves out, or who is responsible for it, should it break.
3. Set Some Ground Rules
If you’re neat as a pin, but your new roommate is ok with leaving a pan “soaking” in the sink for a week, an argument is just waiting to happen. Avoid conflict by coming up with some house rules together. Things like cleaning the common areas, house guests, and use of shared items should be considered before the movers arrive.
4. Donate
Moving is a perfect time to get rid of anything you don’t want or use. Have a garage sale, give stuff to a friend, or donate it to a local
organization. Make sure you get documentation and you can write it off on your taxes. A bonus is you’ll have less to pack and less for your local moving company to move to your new place!
5. Label Everything
Especially true if both parties are moving in at the same time, labeling is a small step that provides a big payoff. The unpacking process will be so much easier, you’ll know which boxes belong to which person, and your local movers will know exactly where to put everything.