Considering moving in with someone? Whether you are getting married or even just looking to move in with a friend, these tips from your local Plano moving company will help you in learning to co-habitate with someone else.

Once you’ve fallen in love with someone, it’s natural to want to spend every minute you can with them. As local movers in Plano, Texas, we hear all the reasons a person might want to change locales, but one of the most common ones is to be closer to that special someone. Before you decide to share a place (and a bathroom!), consider some important factors as objectively as you can to protect yourself from what could turn into a messy situation. Here are some things your humble local Plano movers have observed that love may blind you to.
How stable is the relationship? There’s no hard and fast rule for how long to date someone before you move in together, but if you think about your life five years down the road and you’re not sure if you’ll still be a couple, you may want to rethink the idea of living together. Wait for the honeymoon stage to wear off. If you aren’t sure if you’re still in the honeymoon stage, think of a few things that could annoy you when you co-habitate. If you can’t think of some, or any, you’re still in the honeymoon stage.
Who is going where? Are they relocating to Plano, or will you be going to their hometown? If it’s not a long distance move, is one of you going to move in to the other’s home, or will you be picking out a new place together? Plan out how much space you will realistically need within your budget. If you both work the same schedule, having a second bathroom could save you from a lot of arguments. If they tend to work at night, see if you could manage a small office space. If you don’t like the city you’re moving to, no one is going to make you feel at home, so make sure you’re going somewhere you enjoy.
Careers are important. Whether it’s a long distance move from Plano, or a jump across town, consider if one of you may have to find a new job. If so, how will that affect your finances, and how would you split up the bills? If you’re working for a large company, you could see if they have anywhere near where you would be moving. Think about your commute as well, since you’ll have to drive it twice each day.
Speaking of finances, how will you divide up the cost of your move? Besides the actual process of moving, there are usually deposits, often adding up to more than three months of rent. If you’re going to a new place together who’s furniture are you going to be using, or will you purchase that as well? Money can be the cause of a lot of problems in a relationship, so be sure you’re well prepared and stable enough that it’s exciting, not exasperating.
Are you moving to be with your partner, but isolating yourself from all of your family and friends? Reconsider going anywhere you don’t have a solid safety net, so in the unlikely event things don’t work out, you aren’t stuck somewhere you don’t know anyone.
If you’ve thought everything through and you’re sure it’s the right decision, pick out some quality local Plano movers to help you the rest of the way.
Wildcat Movers is a professional moving company in Plano, Texas. Wildcat Movers also services Dallas, Addison, and the surrounding areas. If you are looking for clean-cut, reliable local Plano movers, give us a call and we can help you plan your move every step of the way!