Your local Plano moving company has safely moved all of your belongings to your new home and it’s time to unpack. The movers were meticulous with your antiques, your electronics, and your items, and it occurs to you how valuable your belongings are. Now that your movers have delivered everything to your new home, it’s time for you to consider how to make sure you are protected if your new home is damaged by flood, fire, or natural disaster. Protecting yourself with renters insurance may be a good (and cheap) investment.

Here are some of the top reasons to get renter’s insurance:
Your worked hard to pay for your belongings.Whether you have a large collection of baseball cards or a high-dollar art collection, renters insurance can cover some (if not all) the damages of theft. Most renters insurance even covers theft from your vehicle if you are parked on the premises.
Whether or not you are extra careful about checking the burners and blowing out candles, your neighbors may not be. In the event of a fire in your apartment, even if your apartment does not burn down, everything inside of it could be damaged by smoke. Renters insurance can cover your for and pay for a place to stay while your apartment is repaired.
Water Damage
Water damage can be some of the most destructive and costly of all damages. If a pipe bursts and your house or apartment floods, don’t count on your landlord’s homeowners insurance to cover the damages! By having your own renter’s insurance your personal belongings can be replaced.
Personal Injury If a salesperson comes to your door and slips and falls on your front step, your renter’s insurance can cover his injuries. In a sue-happy culture, it’s best to protect yourself even if accidents are due to other people’s negligence.
Renter’s insurance is an inexpensive (usually around $12/mo) way to protect your new home, your belongings, and yourself.