When you start to pack for your upcoming move, you start to realize you have a lot more belongings than you thought. Even just spending one year in a house or apartment, you can accumulate more items than you thought possible. Perhaps one of the biggest areas for accumulation is your bathroom.
From medicines to toiletries to cleaning supplies, the list builds the longer you live somewhere. But how do you sort it and move it all? Your local moving company is here to help!

Start With What You Don’t Need
Check the expiration dates on everything. Whether it be a bottle of aspirin or a half-used container of shaving cream, get rid of everything that’s out of date. When getting rid of medicines, don’t flush them down the toilet or pour them down the sink! You can easily get rid of unused medication by removing the out-of-date medicines and placing them in a plastic bag with an undesirable substance. The FDA recommends placing the medicines in a bag with used coffee grounds or kitty litter so they are less desirable to pets or children that are eye-level with the trash and will discourage anyone who may go through neighborhood trashcans from taking them. If you don’t feel comfortable just throwing the medication away, you can leave the medicines in their original containers (make sure the lids are tight!) and call your local pharmacy to inquire about their Drug Take-Back Programs. You can do similar things with unfinished cleaning supplies by contacting your local waste removal department.
Packing Your Toiletries
Now that you’ve gotten rid of everything you are not taking with you to the new place, you’re left to pack up the rest of your toiletries. Make sure the lids are on tight, and place them in a properly padded box to not break any fragile bottles. The last thing you need is a mess in your brand-new place! The best way to ensure that your liquid toiletries do not spill or leak is to place them individually in plastic baggies, seal them tight, and place them in a box filled with packing peanuts, bubble wrap, or safely wrapped in newspaper. Cushioning is key!
Your Shower Curtain
Your shower curtain is one of the things you use daily make sure it’s handy when you get to your new place! A great way to pack your shower curtain is to make sure it is freshly washed and then use it for extra padding in your bathroom moving boxes. Make sure to take the rings out and place them in a small bag or container so they don’t rip the fabric of your shower curtain in the box!
Daily Use Items
A few weeks before your move, keep a list of things you use daily that you will want direct and quick access to during your move. At the end of the day when all of your belongings are in boxes in your new place, you probably won’t want to sort through all of your boxes searching for your toothpaste, toothbrush, and daily medications. Keep these things handy and pack everything you will need for the day of your move in an overnight bag.
With these easy moving tips, you can quickly finish packing your bathroom and move on to other projects like changing your address and calling professional movers in Dallas! Need more tips? Check out the rest of our blog!
Wildcat Movers wishes you the best of luck with your move, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!