Your local Plano moving company (that’s us!) has moved all of your belongings from point A to point B, and your move went off without a hitch. Perhaps you noticed during your pack-and-move session that you have a lot of valuable belongings-belongings that you would have a hard time replacing if they were to get damaged. Your Plano movers have safely moved your belongings-and now is the perfect time to think about protecting them in your new home.

From an occurrence like theft to a natural disaster like flooding, fires, or tornadoes, anything can happen. If you rent, it may be a good idea to consider renters insurance.
There are many reasons to purchase renters insurance for your house or apartment. Renters insurance will typically cover the loss of use of your apartment, meaning you can receive a reimbursement to stay in a motel or other temporary living arrangement if your home is damaged by smoke from a fire, flooding, or other covered incidents. It’s a good idea to always check your policy to see what disasters are covered in your area-especially if you are in an area that is prone to one disaster over another. For example, if you live in a place that’s prone to tornadoes, obtaining a renter’s insurance policy that has a good coverage for wind damage will be priceless to you if such a disaster occurs. Many renters insurance policies do not cover every disaster so it is a good idea to check.
Here are some of the top reasons to get a renters insurance policy, compiled by the folks at your Plano moving company.
Theft of Property
Your worked hard to pay for your belongings.Whether you have a large collection of rare baseball cards you have been collecting since your youth or a high-dollar art collection, renters insurance can cover some (if not all) the damages of theft. Most renters insurance even covers theft from your vehicle if you are parked on the premises. Even if ‘smaller’ ticket items are stolen from your apartment or house, your renters insurance may be able to help you recover the damages.
Even if you are extra careful about checking the stove burners and blowing out candles when you are not using them, your neighbors may not be. In the event of a fire in your apartment or entire apartment complex that affects your unit, even if your apartment does not burn down, everything inside of it could be heavily damaged by smoke. Renters insurance can cover your for and pay for a place to stay while repairs are being done to your apartment and your belongings treated for smoke damage.
Water Damage and Flooding
Water damage can be some of the most devastating, destructive and costly of all damages. If one of your pipes bursts and your rental house or apartment floods, don’t count on your landlord’s homeowners insurance to cover the damages, as a landlord policy is far different than a regular homeowner’s policy. By having your own renter’s insurance to cover your personal belongings, damages can be rectified.
Personal Injury
If a salesperson comes to your door and slips and falls on your front step and incurs costly medical bills, your renter’s insurance can cover his injuries. In a sue-happy culture, it’s best to protect yourself even if accidents are due to other people’s negligence.
(Did you know that as Plano movers, we carry full insurance? Always choose a moving company that is insured and bonded!)
Dog Bites
Even the most well-trained and friendliest of dogs can bite. Whether doing it out of protection for you or his territory, or even just playfully nipping at the neighbor’s kid while fetching a ball, dog bites can be not only costly to you for hospital bills but can also result in you having to have a policy taken out for your dog which the city may deem ‘dangerous’ regardless of the circumstances. If your dog is older and becoming nippy, or has a tendency to act out when strangers come around, it’s a good idea to keep yourself covered if the worst happens and your dog bites someone in your apartment or on the apartment property. (Some apartment complexes actually require you to have specific insurance on certain dog breeds now, so check your lease before purchasing any policy)
Renter’s insurance is an inexpensive (usually around $12 per month) way to protect your new home, your belongings, and yourself from costly damages incurred from natural disasters or accidents in your home.
There are many local companies in the Plano and surrounding area that offer rental insurance policies to suit your specific needs. A quick Google search will help you find exactly the policy you need to keep you and your belongings covered.
Wildcat Movers are local movers in Plano, Texas that are professional, clean cut, insured, bonded, and highly skilled to get your belongings from point a to point b!