The weekend is here again and Wildcat Movers has hand-picked local activities for you to enjoy. From holiday themed activities to art gallery exhibitions, Wildcat Movers has got you covered!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Times:6:30 pm
Admission: Free
Tonight, Christmas officially kicks off with the Downtown Bryan Christmas Parade! Beginning at 6:30 p.m. The festive parade will feature floats, music, and of course, the big man in red! The parade runs from 24th and Bryan St. heading south with a turn 28th, and head back up Main St. Come early for parking, downtown parking closes at 5:30pm!

December 13 (Closes December 16, 2014)
Stark Galleries
275 Joe Routt Blvd, Suite 1120,
College Station, TX 77843
Phone: 979-845-8501
Times: Sat. & Sun. 12 – 6 PM
Admission: FREE
If art is your thing, the Nouveau Exhibition hosted by the Stark Galleries is being held through the weekend. The exhibition, which began in early October and ends on the 16th, showcases art that spans from the late 19th to the early 20th century, including decorative arts as well as architecture.
For more information about this exhibition call (979) 845-6081
or visit
December 14, 2014
Christ United Methodist Church
4201 Texas 6 Frontage Rd, College Station, TX 77845
Phone 979-696-6100
5:00 PM
Admission: Adult Advance $25,
At-door $30; Child (HS & under) $10
A family-friendly even sure to be your family’s newest holiday tradition! The Sanctuary Choir and The Canticle Bells of Christ United Methodist Church choir will sing classic Christmas carol favorites such as “Silent Night” and “Deck the Halls” and invite you and your family to participate in an old-fashioned singalong. Following the concert is a cookie reception hosted by the Friends Association of the Symphony Orchestra.